The Vine Dresser Comes,

The Gardener has definitely been snipping a lot on your vine! That evidently means your fruit will be fresh, large, and abundant! You have been worthy of nurturing and tending even though your trials have been many! The Gardener of my vine, however, has had to take a chainsaw to my vine and take out whole sections of my unyielding vine because I am hard of hearing what He says! I think I am on probation as to whether or not the Vine Committee (there are three of them) are planning to let me stay in the vineyard because I am such an eyesore. It is really embarrassing because all the other vines get snipped and I get snapped! My last season fruit was despicable! My fruit was so puny I tried to hide it behind the leaves on my branches. I didn’t want anyone to see that my fruit was in such a sad state. I am really trying because the alternative is devastating. I hear the Head Gardner comes in with His entourage and speaks a curse on the vines that do not produ...