Decisive Maze Dwellers

You would think that a person of my seemingly almost normal functioning would certainly have figured out things by now; however, I am surprised each and every time I step into a new puzzle in my daily contemplations without really knowing the best fit for each of the puzzle pieces. Take, for instance, the puzzle for today. Do I pick up the piece that says, " Take it easy, don't jump the gun", or do I burrow down into some absolutely nonsensical mythical maneuver to take matters into my own hands and hope for the best? Most likely than not, I will contemplate all aspects of the puzzle of the day, decide which piece of it to put where, and stand back and watch the story unfold. Once the piece is locked in, and fitting perfectly in that place, it is rare that it can be uprooted and placed anyplace else. It takes a life of its' own and gains speed of its' own accord and takes me along with it. The greatest difficulty is the decision making of the first piece ...