Cracker Barrel Philosophy

Yesterday, December 23, 2017 I was in Cracker Barrel doing what I thought I would never be doing, having lunch alone in Cracker Barrel. There was a table near me seated with about three people. The waitress was clearly trying to connect with the customers at that table. There was a woman who would laugh so loud and so inappropriately that all heads would turn. Really? Either she was mentally ill or else she was trying too hard to have a good time. I rather believe it was the latter reason. Just because it is Christmas, don’t interrupt people just to show that you can laugh and have Christmas whether anyone else wants to celebrate it with you or not. Just laugh softly, connect with your waitress, you don’t have to show her that you are the comedian of the year. Surely, you have more intimate friends that you can do those things with; o r not, there are a lot of sad people in this world that are very lonely. That is one...