Costumed Visitors July 24 2019

There are seemingly different theatrical stages in our mind where costumed visitors come to dance in our head. They seem to be cast as the realities of failure, despair, and hopelessness paralyzing us into immobility. It causes us inability to think or act and we are frozen in panics and fears. It seems our mind has flatlined and life is done, over. We sink into the bankruptcy of hope, dreams, expectations, and happiness. We have feelings of being doomed, lost, void, and forgotten. Hopefully, when we have been in this paralytic position, a faint ray of hope streams from our past experiences with the realization that we have been here before and we lived again. That realization comes from our deep seated faith in God, through Jesus Christ. Many times, when we feel the visitors dancing on the stages of our mind, we are often alerted to the fact that we have seen this production before, and the end of the story is one of a window of hope opening...