Mother, My Mother

My last blog was called "A Dread Ahead". Well it came on October 6, 2020. My mother left this planet to take up a new residence in the presence of our Lord. The pain of her absence and the finality of her death sucks the breath out me, decompressing my lungs.. My breathing space gets very small. This woman gave birth to me, she was in my life from the first instant of conception. Now, she cannot be seen, she cannot be touched. There is no way I can hug her again or look into her eyes and tell her I love her. Even as I think about that, my lungs begin to ache. She was so much a part of who I am I find myself floundering to find how to stable myself. She first comforted my brow as an infant. She gave me milk from her breasts, bathed me, and kissed me. She picked out pretty baby clothes for me. She sat with me on the front porch to get fresh air and sunshine in the little squatty saw mill house we lived in when I was b...