One Tiny Baby by Hattie Calihan Taylor

One tiny baby, born on Christmas day, Born in a stable in a land far away. One tiny baby, lay in a manger, One tiny baby who never showed anger! This tiny baby, grew up as He should, He grew to be a man, that did only good! He was sent to us from the Father above, Just to prove to us how great was His love! Then He died on a cross to save us from sin, So that we can, to the Father, boldly walk in! So now we celebrate Christmas, but let's don't forget the cost, Without the cross and Easter, then Christmas would be lost! So when we exchange gifts remember the greatest gift of all, "One tiny Baby" who from heaven did fall! Just one tiny baby in one tiny hand, Held the keys to the kingdom and to the soul of man! Hattie Calihan Taylor won second place with this poem by the Society of American Poets 1994 Hattie was a faithful woman and gave many hand written and type...