Humidifiers May Just Cause World Peace

I have been thinking lately about why I incessantly use my bedside, tabletop humidifier. I have been doing that for two years. Even when I go out of town overnight, I drag the inconvenient thing with me. I can't complain about it, I gave $20.00 for it at Walgreen about two years ago. I really don't know what inspired me to buy one in the first place. I have lived my entire existence without one so I know it is not vital for my survival. I haven't given it much thought until recently. I began to wonder, why am I using that stupid humidifier. I mean every night, no matter how tired I am I go under my bathroom sink, get a 2 quart pitcher, fill it with water, fill the tank to the brim, wipe up the water I spill because I do it with one eye closed and half asleep, plug it in and usually wipe it down with a cloth to make sure there is no water on my bedside stand or on the unit itself. But then I lie down in complete peace and usually...