Humidifiers May Just Cause World Peace

I have been thinking lately about why I incessantly use my bedside, tabletop humidifier.  I have been doing that for two years.  Even when I go out of town overnight, I drag the inconvenient thing with me.  I can't complain about it, I gave $20.00 for it at Walgreen about two years ago.  I really don't know what inspired me to buy one in the first place.  I have lived my entire existence without one so I know it is not vital for my survival. 

I haven't given it much thought until recently.  I began to wonder, why am I using that stupid humidifier.  I mean every night, no matter how tired I am I go under my bathroom sink, get a 2 quart pitcher, fill it with water, fill the tank to the brim, wipe up the water I spill because I do it with one eye closed and half asleep, plug it in and usually wipe it down with a cloth to make sure there is no water on my bedside stand or on the unit itself.  But then I lie down in complete peace and usually sleep like the sweet baby I am.  This has gone on for two years with no rhyme nor reason that I can tell.

Today, I did a bit of research online and found that, indeed, there are reasons to run humidifiers in a household.  I found nine reasons on  ( Nine Benefits of Humidifiers) and knew instantly that indeed I have been the recipient of those benefits.  Most of them anyway.  The one thing that I read about them on Consumer Reports was that you do have to disinfect those things.  I have cleaned it out before but have never disinfected it that I can remember.  Can bacteria cause you to twitch?  I don't think I had a head twitch two years ago.  So, if you get a table model, remember those suckers must be disinfected to prevent various bacterial anomalies.

Now, don't run to Walgreen too quickly.  Do a little research because a cheap tabletop may not be what you really want.  But, if you do, Consumer Report says the best buy is the Crane Penguin EE-865 model and will cost around $45.  They also have ratings for console models and in-duct models. I am going to probably disinfect the cheap Walgreen tabletop I have and give it a good cleaning, until I can do a little more research on the in-duct thing.  Those models can humidify your whole house through your duct system.  CR says that they are cheap to maintain (around $50 per year) as compared to other tabletop or console model.  Well, I have never spent anything on my tabletop, but the only benefits that have been acquired were selfishly acquired by me.  I 'm not sure the humidity even reached the other side of the bed because the moisture that came out appeared to be tired and satisfied with just helping me out leaving Clyde out of the occasion altogether.  That's a good thing because we could both have the bacterial head twitch if the moisture had reached him.  So, possibly that has saved him from further annoyances in his life.

All in all, I wanted to share this with my readers because I wanted you to know there is definitely something to the humidifier thing, and I wanted you to learn it from me because, no one ever really explained this to me.  I guess it was because I never asked, but who thinks to ask someone about humidifiers.  And as I mentioned above, I have used this thing like it is the answer to world peace and have kept it going at night on me, blowing directly on me about one foot from my face because I felt like it was making a difference somewhere. 

Now, since I am onto this, I am going to find out if I should continue to run it in the summer since Georgia is such a humid state already.  One of the benefits is that it keeps the skin moist.  That is why women in Georgia look so much better than women out, say, in Arizona.  Their skin mostly looks like something you could sharpen your kitchen knives on and that is because they have no humidity.  I wonder why no one has told those poor souls about humidifiers.  They may be like me, who asks about humidifiers. So if you have a cousin or an aunt, you may well want to tell them about humidifiers.  It can change lives.


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