Pulling Up From the Low Places Again

There is never a place so low as the one where you know you can not be any lower. You know it is absolutely the lowest you can ever be and you also know that if you cannot find a way to pull up from the low place you will be in utter despair. This is the place I have found myself since my husband's death. The absolute reality of never seeing him again this side of heaven has been devastating. No matter the reason of your low place, there are some things we can actually anchor ourselves upon during times of sorrow and grief, frustrations or disappointments, tragedies or crisis. Recently, there was a movie, War Room, that depicted the a woman who faced all of life's battles in the war room. It was a place of prayer. While many women have found that to be a refuge for them, others cannot seem to find that intimate place with God in their heart. They serve Him but they feel distant and it is difficult to establish a habitual prayer life. Here are...