
Showing posts from July, 2020

Septics AC's and Weeds

7/21/2020 Today is July 21, 2020.   I was up at 6 am, cleaned my face and moisturized, made my bed, and   listened to a sermon by Clyde Johns entitled, “The Mysterious Kingdom of God” posted on May 14, 2014 on Around 8 am the city utility department came to mark the natural gas line in my yard because I was expecting a septic tank cleaner company to come to pump my septic that had backed up my entire system the day before.   It never dawned on me that septic tanks actually fill up after so many years.   Mine had not been pumped since it was installed in 1989.   Needless to say, it was solid waste.   After many questions to the owner, he   tells me about a new system called Aerobic Tank System that puts oxygen in the tank which actually eats the waste and keeps the septic clean.   While I am talking with the septic guy about how he got started in the poop business the air conditioner installers come to begin moving the duct work to get in a new 16 seer air co