Septics AC's and Weeds

Today is July 21, 2020.  I was up at 6 am, cleaned my face and moisturized, made my bed, and  listened to a sermon by Clyde Johns entitled, “The Mysterious Kingdom of God” posted on May 14, 2014 on

Around 8 am the city utility department came to mark the natural gas line in my yard because I was expecting a septic tank cleaner company to come to pump my septic that had backed up my entire system the day before.  It never dawned on me that septic tanks actually fill up after so many years.  Mine had not been pumped since it was installed in 1989.  Needless to say, it was solid waste.  

After many questions to the owner, he  tells me about a new system called Aerobic Tank System that puts oxygen in the tank which actually eats the waste and keeps the septic clean.  While I am talking with the septic guy about how he got started in the poop business the air conditioner installers come to begin moving the duct work to get in a new 16 seer air conditioner since the other one had bellied up.  It also had been running since 1989. 

About that time the cable guy comes to mark underground cables.  Simultaneously the electrical guy came to mark the underground electrical lines.  All of this happened while Sergeant Rooter (yes, that was the company name) was pumping the septic.  All utility companies have to come to mark lines.

Before they began pumping the septic, they had to find the septic.  They had been searching in all the wrong places.  They had misjudged  where the sewage drain line was.  During that time, to be helpful, I called the builder of my house to ask if he remembered where the tank was. It didn’t dawn on me that by now he was probably 110 years old. I did talk to him, he was still around but he did not know where my septic tank was.  Why should he?  He then caught me up on what he had been doing since 1989. 

About that time the owner of the septic company said they had found the tank.  Well, thank goodness!
While I am talking to the builder, the new yard man shows up.  He is working out front on the yard, I avoid him because he gets on a tangent and before you know it he has talked about $300 dollars of time away, the AC men are under the house, and the septic people are pumping.  I have to stop and make payment for the pumping. 

Meantime, I remember that I had the fire department out yesterday because the house smelled of gas.  My grandson found that someone had left the gas turn on on one of the burners,  evidently it did not ignite.  It must have been on for days because about 3 days before that my grandson told me my house smelled funny.   I have very limited sense of smell; therefore, it is difficult to identify smells.  

The fire department came out and checked yesterday and said they had a new gadget to check for gas leaks but they had not taken it out of the box.  Really?  Thankfully, they said everything was okay, I really don’t know if that was just a nose job they did or how they determined that, but  that I should also call the city gas folks.  That is what I did today. 

Now I had the septic tank cleaners, the AC installers, the yard man, and the city gas man all at once.  The woman on the phone at the city gas office told me to go outside and wait for the gas man to come.  I told her to just have him ring the doorbell.  She called me back and said, “Go outside until he gets there because a spark from the doorbell could ignite.  Well, okay.

I went and opened a folding chair I had under the garage and sat in it in the 90+ degree heat in my garage.  As I am sitting there thinking about the overwhelming morning I had had, I received a call again from the city gas department.  She said, the gas man is there on your front porch to check your gas.  I had seen someone walking around the garage that I had not seen, but since there were so many at my house doing something, I honestly was zoned out and didn’t pay him any attention.  While I had her on the phone I called out to him from under the garage giving him my location.  We then went into the house and he waved his gadget around and determined that there was indeed no whatever’s that the thingamajig measures in my house.  Good news.

It is only around noon by this time and I can’t imagine what else will happen today, but I do have a zoom workshop at 2 and another mentoring session at 6pm.

What with having to replace my washing machine, an AC unit, possibly getting a new system that eats the sludge and gunk in the septic, a large bill for the massive work needed in my yard, and recently having to lay sod and a walkway, things became somewhat overwhelming. 

Then I get an attachment from my daughter who has an assisted living facility that my mother lives in.  The attachment is a picture of my mother in a terrible looking pose.  My daughter is telling me she is getting weaker and they found her slumped over this morning and that she is not eating.

All of this is after a week with my sister being with me because she had a tooth removed with complications and each day I didn’t know if she was going to see the sun rise again.

In the middle of all of this, I had been dealing with two or three pretty serious family issues as well.
I sit here as I write this and I think, “God is so powerful and so present!”  He keeps my mind intact; the Holy Spirit speaks and says, “I’ve got you covered!” Just the message title that my son preached this past Sunday which you can hear on

Unless something else interesting happens before dusk, I plan to ride my golf cart and thank God for his many wonders.


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