Book Review of Beth Moore's The Beloved Disciple

Published by Broadman & Holman Publishers Nashville, Tennessee c.2003 November 18, 2022 When I began this book, it had been on my shelf for a few years. And like most books, they are around you, either you own them or you buy them, or possibly download them. But these books can be around for a day, a week, a year or years and then suddenly, you find yourself reading them for no apparent reason. This book was picked up off my shelf of books basically because I was reading the book of John in the bible at the time, and wanted to know more about him. When I start reading a book, I usually finish the book whether I like the book or not. I must admit, this book was small print, three hundred thirty-four pages, and it took me some time to acquire a taste for Beth Moore's writing style. Even though she is a well known speaker and author of multiple books and bible studies, I had never looked into her writings before, I had never heard her speak pu...