The Little Wren With No Place To Go Except Home
November 16 2020 A small little wren has occupied my front porch ledge, no nest, just the ledge, and comes there to sleep nightly. He has been doing this for many years, possibly five or more, and does nothing else there except sleep. He gets in a certain corner, tucks his head in his wing and he is down for the night. I often turn on the porch light to check and make sure he is there. He almost always is there. There are some nights he does not come to my porch to sleep, and I wonder where he is. He is beginning to feel like one of the family. In fact, when I have family in the evening, they check to see if the wren is there. It brings a comforting feeling to me when he does. I assume that this wren has made this place his home base, his go to so to speak. What an example he is to me in light of the fact that I think about home and home base and where if feels like home. I can name you a few things that make ...