Fresh and New
A friend of mine said it this way on a Facebook video, " We have never passed this way before". Our wise Solomon said this, "There is nothing new under the sun". Both of these men are right, we have never been through 2023, and, there is nothing new under the sun.
We do not know what 2023 will bring to our personal lives, our nation, or this globe. But we do know there will be continued successes, challenges, rapid changes in technology, medicine, and social issues.
The mainstay in our moving forward is God our Father, Jesus Christ, His son, and the Holy Spirit. Not all people rely on the trinity, they put their faith and their trust in other gods, in themselves, in the economy, or fate.
This one thing I know, I am grateful for life, for the privilege of experiencing life, all phases of life, all possibilities of life, all challenges of life, all heartaches, and all disappointments. The other side of that is no opportunity at life at all. There was a great possibility that the sperm that fertilized me would never have happened, at that time, a Nano possibility of being a life. If we look at that logically, we can see that there was very little possibility that we would reach our mother's womb.
If we look at that spiritually, we know that God, our Father, creator, sustainer and provider, had no concerns about me. He already knew me, he knew the plans for me, and probably didn't even turn His head when I entered the womb. If we already know something, we are not concerned about it. He knows my end as well as my beginning and the life in between those two extremes.
I can imagine that as He saw me develop, He nodded His head every now and then. He kept His eye and His heart on me, but He already knew my path. He watched closely, blew His breath upon me occasionally and nudged me along my journey. He was confident in me, just as I am confident in Him.
The fresh and new year always feels hopeful, motivating, reflective of the past and projecting great possibilities of the year. When our expectations of life and love are sent into the universe all the way to the Way Maker, He gathers them into His hand, into His heart, and all things are possible.
Recently, someone told me Christmas decorations are for children; they could not understand why I would spend hours pulling out decorations from storage and hours putting them back into storage. He is right, Christmas decorations are for children, but they are also for me. I told the person he had lost his wonder. Once we lose the wonder of Christmas it is over. I will always put up a live tree, the most beautiful and perfect one I can find, a live tree for me is life, green life, growth and wonder. I will always find a squashed down red bow that has to be fluffed, just like the Holy Spirit has to fluff me up from year to year. I will always find bright lights, ornaments, and trim to adorn my tree if the Lord is willing. I will always keep my wonder of Christmas.
We may get into a familiar rut in 2023 just as we always have in years past, we may have a depression in 2023, or a great heartbreak, a great disappointment, but we have a new year, a new day, a new moment, and I intend to knock a few things off my list to do before I leave this planet with God's help.
'Bout you?
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