The Gospel According to Beef
September 14 2023
Have I ever been interested in Wagyu beef? No, I have not, until someone introduced Wagyu quality to me. I have never actually eaten Wagyu beef. How can I blog about Wagyu beef if I have never eaten Wagyu beef? Because I see so many familiar qualities in Wagyu.
Now, there is an even higher quality of beef which is Kobe. In all my years as a person, I have not been aware of these two qualities of beef until recently from a person who seeks excellence in many categories.
Here we go, if you get Wagyu beef, wherever you may find it, you will be getting a bona fide, high end, quality beef. Why? Because this Japanese Cow ( meaning Wagyu) has been bred to produce high end marbling and fats with a a pinkish color that sets it in a separate quality with a buttery taste, so they say.
Leaving Kobe aside, which I know nothing about, I allude to Wagyu because I have heard that it is a gourmet beef and I certainly will be looking for it in the market, and in restaurants. But, and I say butt, ( no pun intended) because there is a but to this whole thing. You need to know how to spot authentic Wagyu in restaurants and in the marketplace.
This has made me think, when I look for a person's character, I have to know the tell tale signs of good, quality and character. There can be Kobe folk, Wagyu folk, and right on down to the bottom line quality at a cheaper price.
I have met a few Kobe quality people, a few Wagyu quality folk, and a few bargain price folk. The top shelf folk are authentic, they admit they are not special, that they have no distinctive quality, but being around them is a different experience. They make genius seem commonplace. They know how to navigate life and always have a hand out to serve others, to lift up a life that is sinking, and do this, seemingly with no effort.
I have met a few Wagyu folk also. They have all the qualities of the Kobe people, almost, but they have a greater sense of balance with it. They have no problem putting themselves into a mode of, I can take care of me today, but they also have the ability to care for others.
Kobe folks do it better, but they are more on a mission to prove themselves to be top of the line, not always self serving, but battle with a sense of satisfaction that they are somewhat accomplished at what they do, but most people feel inadequate with the Kobe folk because, they can't quite get away from the mission of no matter the cost, they must be on top and get most of the recognition for it, which I can't really make a judgment about that because the greats have and were always driven to attain accomplishments and to be the best, and without it most of the things they accomplished would not be in the history books. The sad part? They are quite lonely. The only intimacy they have usually is with ambition.
Wagyu is a bit on the more balanced side. They are somewhat driven and ambitious, but they take the time to see the plight of others more often. They readily see heartache and tragedy as an opportunity to support and share. They take care of themselves, they are accountable to life and family, but they are broader in their compassion and understanding of life and have the gift to see into the eyes and heart of others.
They actually have lost the desire to see anyone as less than they are. To them, even the most flawed are only a heartbeat away from being something greater than themselves. Wagyu only want to be a reflection of that light.
I could say the light is Jesus Christ right here, but that would make this blog preachy I suppose. But I can't help but put it in here because, no matter how much we want to shine, the only light in us is really Jesus Christ. That is not hard to accept for a Wagyu person, because they are actually wise and have gleaned from their life experience in developing into a marbled, favorable and flavorful, buttery persona that can accept truth.
What about the bottom line cheaper beef? Always the nuts and bolts of life. They are more comfortable hooking up with a Kobe or a Wagyu and following the instructions and actually getting the job done. This beef cannot and I say cannot be ignored. They are the helpers, the ones who get much satisfaction in serving and have no problem letting someone else be accountable for the organization and the planning even if they feel they could have done a better job at planning, you never see this bottom line beef doing it. They had rather follow. These are the actual doers. They carry out the major plans. The Kobe and the Wagyu could not function without the bottom line. They are actually where the rubber meets the road, or better said, more bottom line beef hits the frying pan than the top of the line.
If I could write this clearer, it would say, we are a community, we are a puzzle, we are fitly joined, working together for the better good. It doesn't matter which beef you are , stay in your lane and we will get this thing done.
This is the gospel according to beef. Time for self evaluation. The best scenario would be to acquire the Kobe attributes with the Wagyu qualities and the bottom line ethic of getting it done, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone and
getting dirty. Then you have yourself something!
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