
Pulling Up From The Low Places

The devastating point that we have to face if we are in a low place is that we activated the events to get us to the low place. The decisions that we have made in our past orchestrate where we are today. If we are in a good place, it is a result of decisions we either made yesterday or decisions we made as young adults. The same thing took place if we are in a low place. It seems that once we get on the treadmill of mistakes the same scenery keeps passing by us and it finally dawns on us that we have been in this same place many times before.  The absolutely most embarrassing thing about that is each time we execute the same behavior that has given us the same results forever, the same things that brought us back to the same square one, is the same decisions we keep making. If we keep doing what we are doing, we keep getting what we are getting. We just don't get it. Eventually, the treadmill representing our life becomes a thing of dread and we simply feel it is not within our po

Is That You Lord?

Devotions in Psalms Paula Day Johns Psalm 1 1/6/2011 10:29:21 AM Getting up at 5:00 am to pray is not an easy thing. I’m not saying it is difficult to get up, I am saying that it is difficult to get up and pray. I often find myself jumping out of bed when a thought hits me that this needs to be done or that needs to be finished. I go into the kitchen and put the dishes that have been rinsed in the sink into the dishwasher, or I go to the computer and read emails and answer them, or I simply go to the mailbox get the daily paper and read. I relish that. I suppose because when I wake up and my mind begins to focus on the things that need to be done, I know that I can’t sleep anyway and that I may as well get it done. But getting up to pray is another issue entirely. Usually when I wake, I tune my antenna into the spiritual side and see if there is anything coming in on the channel. I will lie in the bed and reflect and discuss with my self and God silently the things that se

Breastfeed Now Or Later?

I read the article that posted on its' health link today which spurred some of my homegrown rhetoric. Don't count it out, my homegrown rhetoric I mean. If an infant could have the luxury of being exclusively fed by the mother for six months,it would bond the mother and child and improve trust issues in the childhood years and adulthood years. This is from what I have been able to research as a family therapist. I personally breastfed all four of my children. In retrospect, if I had extended that breastfeeding period to the full six months, I am sure I would have had even more results from breastfeeding. The child that I breastfed the least, ( I was a sixteen year old mother) had more illness as an infant than the other three. The child that I weaned from the breast to the cup at nine months old is more self confident than any one of my children. Breastfeeding was not popular in the 60's and 70's, but I have never been one to do the popular thing. My mother encou

No Regrets Please

I decided some time ago that I would not live or die with regret. I decided that each day would be a day that I choose to do what I feel is the best decision.  I must say that many times those decisions have come with great tension. Do I do this or do I do that? Which decision will be the best choice. The main thing about making a daily choice is that once a decision has been made, it must be one that is without regret.  It may not produce all you wanted it to produce, but at the end of the day there are three things we must be able to say:  I made a decision today based on the premise that:   1. I listened for divine input on the decision.  2. I stood by the decision.  3. I executed the plan.   Once all those things are done there can be no regret even though at times, in retrospect, we see that a different decision may have produced a different result. We must be true and supportive of ourselves as having made a thoughtful decision.   The regret usually comes in when there has been