Between The Sheets

Sheets have never been a particular topic that I cared to discuss with anyone. I mean, sheets are sheets. One sleeps on them, launders them, puts them on a mattress; they are just sheets, nothing more. I have begun to realize that even our sheets can become a complex matter if you are actually trying to shop for them. I can remember a time when a sheet was sheet was a sheet. You could buy them in colors, or you could buy them white. I even remember a time when the fitted ones all came in twin, double, queen, or king sizes. Sheets were not a major matter to contemplate. It occurred to me as time went on, that the market place was filling up with sheets that only tried to confuse me. I knew the size of my mattress, it was a queen sized one. But then gradually shopping for new sheets became a thing of wonder. I usually ended up going home and sleeping on the same old sheets even when I bought a new mattress because I was n...