Remembering Mama

By Waylon Elmer Day The last time I saw mama I knew the time was near. Her body had just given out on her and she was ready for that new body. On another visit I had asked her if she was ready to go and she said, “I am so ready!” On that last visit I whispered in her ear, “Mama we will all be alright. I love you and I know you have always loved me.” Kelly told me that all during that day mama would say, “Wait.” Kelly said she asked her if she was talking to her or “them” and she said, “them.” I think she was waiting for me to say goodbye. I sat there that night thinking that it was probably the last time I would see mama alive and what that meant. I told her one time years ago that the world would be a lot less interesting without her in it. She had me repeat that twice. She was such a unique and complex individual that influenced so many lives. Her passing was sad and left a large void, but it was not a tragedy. She was a child of God and had suc...