
God is Close
Take care to nurture the hurting and the wounded of life and the return will be the sweetness of God's breath.
There Are No Homeless
I never saw anyone that had no place to go, their destiny is constantly beckoning them. Whether for gold or poverty, for love or hate, whether for fame or anonymity, the road is a magnet.
Back when is a thing to get lost in-but mostly it takes away from the right now.
No Regrets
Fill the void with things that are good, like love, joy and peace. There are no regrets with these and they fill the heart with ease.
Take away the simple things in life and all that remains is the complex.
The Pied Piper
Make a noise and all will come running, be quiet and all will think you strange.
The Stairwell
I sat among the stairwell looming above and beneath-trying to decide the direction to take.
Shall I go up or down-Up or Down? Up or Down?
What is at the top?
What is at the bottom?
My faint heart freezes me into sitting in the comfortable place. Can I still go up or down?
How long can I sit among the stairwell?
Why should I stand and proceed up or down?
I can't avoid a decision any longer, because the stairwell demands an answer.
It has a life all its' own.
I must plunge into movement up or down, up or down.
Progress or failure at least is movement and a destination.
Here I go. Meet me at the bottom or the top. You will know.
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