God Spoke Through My Kitchen Sink
When I was upgrading an old kitchen sink, I looked for a copper sink. I needed a new sink for an old farmhouse that needed a lot of tender love and care to say the least. My plan was to upgrade the counters, the sink, and the flooring and to add new cabinets. This I did.
Since copper was farmsy and trendy, I looked for copper. The owner of the granite tile company also offered order only sinks. This I did.
He suggested that I may want to reconsider getting a copper sink unless I wanted to do a lot of maintenance on the sink. Did I follow his recommendation? This I did not do.
Since that time, the owners words have rung through my brain many, many times as I labor and polish and buff my farmsy copper sink. Oh, it’s beautiful when it is smiling back at me with sparkles, but each time I polish and buff that sink, God speaks to me through that sink. It is a lesson He teaches to me over and over. This He does.
We are sent good people to give us good information, but when we think we have all the answers and we reject good counsel, well then, welcome to the world of polish and buff. Many hours have been spent at that sink as I polish and buff, as if God is always reminding me I don’t know everything. This He does.
When the owner of the granite company said, “ We have had a lot of complaints about copper sinks because they require a lot of maintenance, my answer was, “ I’ve got this”, after all, he was a man, what did he know about kitchen sinks! I just hope the Lord doesn’t have me to go back and apologize to him because I thought I knew more about kitchen sinks than he did. That, I don't want to do.
I don’t think the Lord will have me do it anytime soon, because He lays the hammer down on me each time I polish and buff my farmsy sink, and says, “ think you still have all the answers”? This He still does.
If we will keep our spiritual eyes and ears open, the Holy Spirit will save us a lot of sink time! This He will do.
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