Purpose and Pressure
No matter how long you live, life is short. Whether you die at 20 or 90.
It is true, Psalm 39:11 that we are just a vapor, mainly a puff of smoke, and no matter who we are, if we all got on a scale at one time, we would weigh out lighter than a puff of smoke.
I say that because Psalm 62:9 says that in so many words. We just can't hang on very long in this life when we are like a blade of grass, one day we are green then next day we are withered.
My granddaughter recently said to me, "Nana, why do we think we are going to live forever?" This is a fourteen year old girl, who has a great deal of insight to be saying that, because most young people think they will never die and life will go on forever. Even the oldies are in so much denial, they dance around that tree as well.
I am saying all of this because, we are actually here for a purpose that we were sent to do on this great planet. We came with a plan from God (Jeremiah 29:11). He knew us before we were formed, therefore, He knows all things about us and what we are to accomplish, His plan.
Some of us sit with eyes wide wondering what we are here for? By the time some of us figure that out, that puff of smoke will have blown away. Life is short, short.
So many of us spin our wheels each day, knocking ourselves out, and at the end of the day, we can't really pinpoint what we have accomplished. We have pressure on us from family, business, jobs, careers, health issues. We get on the proverbial hamster wheel and knock ourselves out getting no place.
It would make much more sense if we would just seek the mind of Christ and identify what specific things God designed us to do, then do it quickly. Life is short, hope we get that!
If we are giving the major portion of our energy to things that do not line up with our purpose, then we have accomplished zilch.
We must pray for the courage to take on the responsibilities that will line our energy up with the purpose of God, responsibilities that will require much of us.
We must pray for the courage to say no to the things that tax our time, fall into the black hole, exhaust our energy, and not contribute to Gods plan and purpose for us.
We must make the most of our short, short life. We have to give account once we meet our maker face to face for how we handled our most precious gift, our life.
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